
Youth Forum - WGC 2023

I. Date

September 16, 2023,1:30-5:30 pm (Beijing time)

II. Venue

China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing, China

III. Theme

We are the geothermal future

IV.  Conveners

Dr. Yanlong Kong: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Haibing Shao: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ

V. Agenda

1. Theme announcing

2. Invited talk

3. Geothermal 100s talks

4. Geothermal Q&A

5. Round-table discussion

6. Geothermal youth declaration

VI. Registration

Just send an email (Theme: WGC-Youth Forum registration) with your CV to Dr. Yanlong Kong, Email: ylkong@mail.iggcas.ac.cn; and CC to wanlongcai@xjtu.edu.cn

Note: We invite young researchers, scientists, engineers, and managers (under 45 years old) from the global geothermal community to participate in this dynamic and captivating event. Share your ideas, expertise, and visions for the future. Only 10 seats for the Geothermal 100s talks up to your registration order! It’s free as long as you have registered in the WGC 2023.